
With hundreds of different diets and theories out there, it's becoming very hard for us to decipher which one is the right one. Do we cut out all carbohydrates such as breads and pastas? Do we stick to low-fat foods and fear full fat products? Is it better to be vegetarian? How do I know which diet is best for me? So many questions surround these complicated diets, some of which will work and some of which are so extreme that they end up harming our health. There has to be an easier way to determine which food I should be eating. I love to cook and I love to eat. I don't want to live a life restricting myself from eating the things I enjoy. So how do I change my everyday diet so that it will work for me?

To start planning a holistic and healthy diet that worked for me, I had to ask myself, what do I want to get out of my diet? How can food improve my long-term health and overall well-being? One thing was for sure, I didn't want to cut out carbohydrates and fats. I believe our body craves them because it needs them to provide us with nutrients to function. I also knew that I wanted to eat healthier by having a diet that incorporates local, sustainable and fresh foods. I wanted my diet to be balanced and full of vitamins and minerals. I wanted my diet to be flavourful and to include foods that my entire family will enjoy eating. I wanted the food I eat to provide me with the energy I need to get through a busy day, and wanted to cut out the foods that made me feel heavy and tired. My goal was and still is to live moderately. I decided that it's not realistic for me to cut out cake and ice cream completely, because I love both of these things too much. But I did want to cut out processed and refined foods as much as I could. I wanted my diet to become part of my lifestyle and the meals I make to be quick and easy.

Due to various health problems and unhealthy eating habits, I used many strategies to help my body get on the right track. I have tried cleanses and detoxes. I have tried the low carb and low fat diet. But these approaches were too extreme for me, and I was never able to truly stick to them for more than a few weeks at a time. But, there is one diet that I have actually stuck to in the last few years that has worked out extremely well for me and has allowed me to reach all of my healthy eating goals. It's simple, it's easy, it's long term and it makes so much sense. To clear old patterns of eating and to help me slowly and naturally detoxify my system, I began eating a more natural diet, adapting my daily meals to the seasons and my personal needs. A well rounded diet that was low in meats, higher in veggies and fruits, still eating healthy carbohydrates and fats, but most importantly incorporating local foods that were in season.  The motto: getting back to basics.

This blog is dedicated to just that. My favourite simple and delicious recipes that incorporate local and seasonal ingredients that can be found in our gardens and local markets. Along the way,  I will also explain my healthy eating approach in greater detail, hoping that you will take bits and pieces of the information I provide to make it into your own personalized healthy eating plan that will work for you. Enjoy and bon appetit!

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